YAC Social Justice

Holy Trinity's Young Adult Community (YAC) is committed to a faith that does justice. To that end, we come together—both virtually and in person—to serve our sisters and brothers in need and also to reflect on and advocate for a more just society. Our Social Justice team engages in community efforts that address immediate needs. At the same time, we seek ways to systematically change structures that keep the community from thriving. Our goal is to join in parish-wide social justice efforts to bring the YACs’ energy and spirit into the work in which we partake as a unified parish.

Service Opportunities

For all of these opportunities, please contact Amy Krach and Vicky Santoso at yacs+socialjustice@holytrinitycatholic.church if you're interested and would like more information.

Georgetown Saturday Dinners

The second Saturday of each month, YACs join together, in person and behind the scenes, to support outreach to our neighbors in need in the Georgetown area. Given the health and economic crisis, this ministry of feeding those in need is more important than ever.

Volunteers are invited to participate in at-home meal preparation, in-person service, or both, according to their preferences and comfort levels. Volunteers may choose between these options:

  • Cook and prepare dishes for a meal of 30 people, together with other YACs, at Holy Trinity from 2:00-4:15pm
  • Show up to help serve from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Mt Zion Church;
  • Or, volunteers may choose to prepare the meals in their own home and drop them off at Mt Zion Church by 4:45pm to be served.
Please refer to the YAC bi-weekly Digest or reach out to yacs+socialjustice@holytrinitycatholic.church for more details on monthly Saturday Suppers.

So Others Might Eat (SOME) Collections


Holy Trinity supports our friends at SOME with breakfast food and other requested items to be distributed to those in need. SOME collections fall on the third Sunday of each month from 08:30 am to 11:30 am outside of the church, at the corner of 36th & O Streets NW. For more details on the collection schedule and sign-up opportunities, click here.

Migrant & Refugee Accompaniment

In partnership with Holy Trinity’s Migrant Team, YACs extend a hand of friendship to migrants and refugees interested in connecting with peers as they adapt to US and local culture and society. YACs also participate in parish-wide events where parishioners help migrants navigate new systems (financial, administrative, health) as they settle into their new lives here in the US. For more information on the parish's work with Migrants and Refugees click here.

Regular Catholic Social Teaching-Themed Initiatives

Guided by the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching, YACs engage in regular events to explore how to reflect and live out these themes in their daily lives as young adults.

Young adults are also always welcome and encouraged to join in service with parishioners of all ages. Click here to view parish-wide programs offered through Holy Trinity's Social Justice Ministry.