Migrants & Refugees

Parishioner Leads: Jeanne Rossomme, Mary McCabe, John Brain

Email: migrantteam@holytrinitycatholic.church

The HT Migrant Team/Migrant Familia has been accompanying and advocating for refugees since 2017 when we welcomed the Cheikho family from Syria. Today we accompany 23 family unites from 11 countries.  84 million people are forcibly displaced around the world, and our Migrant Familia stands ready to welcome and accompany these mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons as they seek refuge in our community. Read our 2022 End of Year Report


The committee meets every other Monday at 7pm via Zoom. All are welcome! Minutes and needs are shared in a weekly Migrant Team eLetter.




  • Sign up for a trip to the Border to learn and experience firsthand. For more information please contact aklick@holytrinitycatholic.church
  • Sign up for our weekly eLetter. Each week we identify needs for our migrant familia from donations to resume support to legal support, etc. 
  • Be a sponsor or medical advocate. For more information please contact Jeanne Rossomme








A member of our migrant familia, Fredy Sevilla, is featured in a national summer campaign on immigration.  He is very grateful to Holy Trinity.

Solidarity Across Borders

We are a community and only in a community can we move forward without leaving anyone behind.

As we encounter people in migration through reading and listening to the testimonies of the Solidarity Across Borders campaign, we remember that we are a community and only in a community can we move forward without leaving anyone behind.

In that spirit, through this campaign we join with partners throughout Central America and North America to promote solidarity and hospitality and grow in empathy for refugees and people in migration in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.  Listen to Fredy's Story here.