Holy Trinity Fees

Fees charged for various parish services in most cases cover only a part of our cost in providing them. We are grateful for your willingness to help cover our costs through these fees, and are especially appreciative of any additional donation offered. A donation option is provided on each fee payment form.

Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

Our Church  looks forward to accompanying you on your Sacramental journey. There are several ways you may encounter the Sacraments at Holy Trinity and your support helps us provide these Sacraments to people of Catholic faith: BaptismConfirmationEucharist, Matrimony, Anointing the Sick.


Faith Formation

Holy Trinity offers one of the largest Religious Education (RE) and Adult Faith Formation programs in the DC area, serving over 6,000 registered households from DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland.


Ignatian Spirituality Training Programs

For individuals to make fee payments for the Ignatian Training Program or Faber Training Program.


Holy Trinity at Nats Park

Holy Trinity at Nats Park. Saturday September 23 @ 1:05pm. $16 per ticket.