Liturgical Ministries

All liturgical ministries require an initial training and participation in ongoing and regular formation opportunities. To be trained as a liturgical minister, contact Tony Varas at

Lector: The lector proclaims the scripture and leads the General Intercessions at Sunday liturgies.  He/she must have a deep love of scripture and the ability to proclaim it in a way that enables the assembly to hear and appreciate the readings.

The Extraordinary Minister of Communion: These Ministers assist with distributing Communion at Sunday Eucharist in the Church. An Extraordinary Minister of Communion must be a fully initiated Catholic with deep respect for the Eucharist and a desire to serve the community.

Bringing Communion to the Homebound: These Ministers bring the Eucharist to those in the parish who are unable to get to Mass, principally because of illness or disability. For more information or training, contact Richard Shullaw at

Youth Altar Servers: Youth Altar Servers (girls and boys, grades 5th-high school) assist the presider during liturgical celebrations.

Adult Acolytes: Adult Acolytes are women and men who assist the presider during liturgical celebrations.

Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality: Ministers of Hospitality welcome people to the liturgy, place and distribute worship aids, assist with taking up the collection(s), usher at Communion time, and distribute Parish bulletins after the Eucharist.

Sacristan: Sacristans prepare liturgical vessels, books, bread and wine, and all other materials necessary for the liturgy.  They also assist by cleaning and straightening afterwards.

Greeter (9:00am and 5:30pm Sunday liturgies only): Greeters welcome the assembly from the altar area at the beginning of the liturgy and make the Parish announcements.