Invitations to Pray and Build Community

Purples candles with a cross

Praying in Sacred Space: Lenten and Advent Saturdays, 4-5pm.
In this hour of prayer and faith sharing, all are invited to encounter the scriptures of the season in a way St. Ignatius introduces us to in the Spiritual Exercises. During the hour, savor the silence and share with others who are seeking God’s presence. Come to one session or all — no preparation necessary. All are welcome!  

Register for the Lent 2024 Zoom link here.

For more information, contact Catherine Heinhold at

Lenten Simple Supper & Ignatian Prayer: March 8, 2024, 6:30PM, McKenna Hall RSVP HERE
All are invited for a simple Lenten meal of soup and bread to nourish our bodies — followed by a guided experience of Ignatian contemplation (imaginative prayer based in scripture) to nourish our souls. Volunteers are needed for cooking, setting up, serving and cleaning up. Contact Catherine at for more information.

Trinity Faith Sharing Groups: These small faith sharing groups, which meet for eight weeks, offer parishioners a chance to meet in a small group to discuss the Sunday scriptures and the ways they intersect with our lives. Please visit the Trinity Faith Sharing webpage for more information.

Christian Meditation: All interested in Christian Meditation are welcome to gather with parishioners in the Chapel of St. Ignatius every Thursday from 6:00–6:30 pm to meditate in the John Main tradition. No prior experience or registration is necessary. For more information about Christian Meditation, contact Tim Shriver at

Zen Meditation: A small group of parishioners gather every Saturday morning on Zoom from 7:30-8:45 am for walking and sitting meditation. No prior experience or registration is necessary. All are welcome. Please contact Robert Druecker at for the link or if you have any questions.

Pray the Rosary with Fr. Gillespie: Pope Francis, in response to ongoing wars and conflict, made a statement recently encouraging everyone “to rediscover the beauty of the rosary” by praying this centuries old devotional prayer either as a group or individually. We gather to pray the rosary via Zoom on Tuesdays from 7:30-8pm. See the parish eLetter for the Zoom link.

Morning Prayer
Mondays and Fridays 9-9:45 am via Zoom
All are warmly invited to join the parish in praying Morning Prayer via Zoom, whether once, occasionally, or regularly. Join by clicking on this link or entering the Zoom Meeting ID (843 7274 7402) and Passcode (049833). You can also use the Meeting ID and Passcode to join by phone in Washington, DC at +1-301-715-8592, or find a local number here.

Young Adult Faith Sharing
Thursdays, 7pm in St. Ignatius Chapel
Young adults in their 20s and 30s use the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday as a starting point for a discussion of faith in our own lives.

Iconographers’ Guild
A group of parishioners, along with a Master Iconographer and Artistic Director, gather twice a month to write/paint icons using egg tempera following the guidelines established by the Byzantine and Moscow School of Iconography. Contact: Dan MacDougall,

Praying with the Women in the Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP): Come and experience the co-mingling of the 12 Steps with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Share a meal and be led in prayer by the ladies who make the Ignatian Spirituality Project retreats, which are designed for women and men who are in recovery from homelessness and addictions. We gather in McKenna Hall during the season of Advent. Prior registration is not necessary. Please visit Trinity’s Ignatian Spirituality Project page here.

Guided Prayer in the Ignatian Tradition
See our Ignatian Spirituality Resources page for links to audio and written guided Ignatian imaginative contemplations and meditations.