Liturgy & Youth Ministry

Liturgical Ministers Needed

Interested in greeting people at the door, passing our worship aids, and/or helping with the collection? Check in with the adults at the back of the Church or in the foyer of Trinity Hall before mass to see how you can help.

Altar Servers: Check back for more trainings in 2024. Earn up to 2 parish service hours for every mass served!

Parents and students should attend together. Families should expect to serve at one 9am mass per month.

Ushers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers: High school students who are confirmed are invited to train as lectors and Eucharistic ministers to serve at all masses. Contact Tony Varas ( for more information.

Youth Choir

Holy Trinity Youth Choir is on a break until a new Associate Music Director can be hired. Thanks for your patience.

Holy Trinity's Youth Choir is open to young singers between 5th grade through 12th grade.
This choir sings at the 9:00am Masses in Trinity Hall, as well as possibly other parish Masses. Rehearsals will take place from 10:15-11:00am on select Sunday mornings (please note: these rehearsals will be two Sundays per month).
Please click here to complete the interest form and to receive more information.

Guides for Reconciliation & Adoration