Trinity Faith Sharing Groups

"Participating in Trinity Faith Sharing gives me an enriched experience in Mass;
a community of folks sharing / participating in my faith journey;
and articulation of spiritual gifts that 'hit and sit' with me
- Summer 2023 participant

Holy Trinity's Ignatian Spirituality & Prayer Ministry invites parishioners to participate in a small faith sharing group for one or more eight-week one-hour sessions this fall. Trinity faith sharing groups offer parishioners a chance to meet in a small group to discuss the Sunday scriptures and the ways they intersect with our lives.

Lent 2024 Session: 8 weeks from February 4th through the week of March 24th. Please note we begin the week before Ash Wednesday!

Registration for Lent 2024 is closed

Please note: The Ignatian Spirituality & Prayer Ministry is offering a number of opportunities this Lent to deepen your relationship with God. We invite you to prayerfully consider which spiritual practice the Holy Spirit is inviting you to engage in for Lent. Lenten Trinity Faith Sharing, the Lenten Retreat, and Setting Captives Free all require committed engagement, and we recommend choosing only one of the three.

What is Faith Sharing?
Faith sharing is an invitation to deepen faith and deepen community. It focuses more on the heart of things, and God's interaction in our daily lives, than on scripture study. Although it won't be the focus, information on the context and meaning of the scriptures will be provided to the groups to support their core emphasis on finding God in all things. Our groups use a set format (provided at the bottom of this page) that incorporates Ignatian practices (including sharing spiritual consolations and desolations, and listening to invitations from God) designed to encourage discernment.

"Being a part of this group has helped to tether me to community and God,
and helped to broaden my perspective
- Winter 2022 participant

When and Where?

For the Lent 2024 session, one group will meet in-person at the Parish Center and the others will meet on Zoom. The groups will begin meeting the week of February 4th, and will meet once a week for eight weeks (HTS parent group meets for 7 weeks due to Easter break). Each meeting is one hour. We ask that you commit to attending the eight gatherings, with no more than two anticipated absences. 

All groups are full.

If none of these times work for you, there is space on the form to indicate others that might.

If we aren't able to accommodate everyone, priority is given to Holy Trinity parishioners.

Please see the sidebar for other scripture-based faith sharing opportunities at Holy Trinity.

"I feel more connected to the Sunday readings. I have grown in my own faith. I have been blessed so deeply by the other participants in their willingness to share with me both their struggles and their joy. I feel a strong desire to continue to engage regularly in faith sharing with others.
It was very life giving to participate
- Fall 2021 participant

Faith Sharing Format for Trinity Groups

Opening prayer, spiritual consolations and desolations

A scripture reading or readings from the upcoming Sunday
Listen for any word, phrase, idea, or image that calls your attention. 

Faith Sharing and Listening
How does the scripture this week touch you in your personal life? How might God be speaking to you through the scripture?

Opportunity to share any invitation I might be sensing from God for the next week.


Please contact Catherine Heinhold, Pastoral Associate for Ignatian Spirituality & Prayer, at for more information.

Other opportunities for scripture-based faith sharing at Holy Trinity

Young Adult Faith Sharing, Thursdays at 7pm in St. Ignatius Chapel

Morning Prayer, Mondays and Fridays at 9am on Zoom
See the Parish Calendar for the Zoom link

Praying in Sacred Space, Saturdays at 4pm during Advent and Lent