Cards for Women on ISP Retreats

Through the Ignatian Spirituality Project, our parish sponsors retreats for women in recovery from homeless and addiction. Receiving a card of encouragement on the retreat can lift a woman’s spirits. Would you consider writing a card for an upcoming retreat?

Here are some tips and guidelines:

  • Ideas for salutations include “Dear friend” or “Dear sister”
  • A few sentences are enough to be meaningful.
  • You might mention that you are praying for her on the retreat, and encourage her in her recovery.
  • Women on the retreats come from various religious backgrounds, not only Christian. To be inclusive, you might refer to God, or “the God of her understanding” or her “higher power.
  • Avoid putting a date on the card or referring to seasons of the year. We might need your card for the upcoming retreat, or one a little further down the road.
  • You can sign the card with your name, or simply “A friend from Holy Trinity Church.”

Please drop your card off in the reception area of the Parish Center (3513 N St., NW), with a note attached that says “Catherine Heinhold – ISP.” If you have questions, please email Catherine at

For the current retreat, it would be helpful to have cards by Wednesday, February 21, 2024.

Thank you!!